Rush Our 3- Lee and Carter

Distributor: New Line Cinema
Release Date: 2007-08-10

Starring: Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, Roselyn Sanchez

After a lot of contract negotiation and some pretty unreasonable salary demands from half the Rush Hour starring duo, both Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker return for a third installment of director Brett Ratner’s fish-out-of-water action franchise. Is the magic gone, or can Tucker and Chan do it again?

Jackie Chan is heading well into his mid-fifties, it’s hard to believe he can continue to pull off the same wild-ass, body-bashing stunts. At some point his battered frame has to give out. Jackie has talked before about the need to get away from these heavy action movies, but so far he shows no sign of slowing down. He’s already got several other Asian action movies in the works, and Asian Jackie Chan’s stunts are a lot tougher to pull off than anything Ratner will be able to think up for Rush Hour. Compared to his Asian stunt-work, this ought to be a cake walk.

As for Tucker, his career has gone nowhere outside of the Rush Hour movies. Though he was quick to demand big money, and star-studded treatment to be in it, the truth is he needs Rush Hour 3 at least as bad as the movie needs him. He worked non-stop in the 90s, but in these the aughts he’s got nothing aside from Rush Hour 2 on his resume. Unless he wants the world to forget about him, he’d better bring one helluva performance to this one.

In the end, the formula for these things is pretty simple. As long as Jackie and Chris haven’t lost the chemistry that makes them so strangely entertaining on screen, then Rush Hour 3 should turn out fine, as long as you’re not looking for anything other than light entertainment. Expect to reprise the whole “words coming out of my mouth bit”. It stopped being funny in 1998, but that’s one trademark of the series that’s not likely to go away.


Rush Hour 3 Movie said...

I watched this film last night with the thought that movie is good. is all in good fun, standing on it's own. It delivers exactly what fans of the series look for .